In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and data privacy, staying ahead of regulatory changes is crucial. One of the significant changes in this area is Google’s Consent Mode V2. This tool offers businesses a way to respect user privacy while still gathering the insights necessary for informed decision-making, such as conversion tracking on ecommerce sites. Here’s a closer look at what Consent Mode V2 is, why it’s important, and how you can set it up.

What is Consent Mode V2?

Consent Mode v2 is an upgrade of Google’s original Consent Mode, a feature that allows websites to adjust how Google tags behave based on the consent status of users. Essentially it enables websites to run Google Analytics, Google Ads, and other Google services while respecting the privacy choices of users.

The primary improvement in version 2 is the refined ability to manage consent for different types of data independently, such as analytics and ads, providing more granular control. This means that even if a user does not consent to cookies for advertising purposes, their website interaction can still be anonymously measured, thereby ensuring compliance with privacy laws while retaining valuable data for performance improvement.

Why is Consent Mode V2 Important?

  1. Compliance with Privacy Regulations: With regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US, businesses are required to obtain explicit consent from users before collecting personal data. Consent Mode v2 helps in adhering to these laws by adjusting data collection practices based on user preferences.

  2. Maintaining Data Quality: By leveraging Consent Mode v2, businesses can ensure that they still capture critical insights even when users opt out of certain types of data collection. This is achieved by collecting anonymised, non-identifiable data that does not compromise user privacy.

  3. Enhanced User Trust: Transparency in data collection builds trust. By clearly communicating how user data is used and respecting their choices, businesses can foster a stronger relationship with their audience.

  4. Optimised Ad Campaigns: Even with limited data, Consent Mode v2 allows for the optimisation of ad campaigns. Google uses aggregated data to help improve ad performance without violating user consent preferences.

How to Set Up Consent Mode v2

Setting up Consent Mode v2 involves several steps to ensure it aligns with your website’s privacy management framework. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Update Your Google Tag Manager: Ensure you have the latest version of Google Tag Manager (GTM) as Consent Mode v2 utilises GTM for deployment.

  2. Modify Your Tag Implementation:

    • Within GTM, configure your tags to adjust their behaviour based on user consent.
    • Set default consent settings using the gtag('consent', 'default', {...}) command to specify the default consent state for different types of data (e.g., ad_storage and analytics_storage).
  3. Integrate a Consent Management Platform (CMP):

    • Use a CMP to collect and manage user consent. This platform should integrate with GTM to pass the user consent state to your tags.
    • Popular CMPs like OneTrust or Cookiebot can be integrated with your site to handle user preferences seamlessly.
  4. Configure Consent Mode in GTM:

    • Add a new tag for Consent Mode in GTM. Use the gtag('consent', 'update', {...}) command within your tag configuration to update consent settings based on user interactions with your CMP.
    • Ensure that your tags (e.g., Google Analytics, Google Ads) are configured to respect these consent settings.
  5. Testing and Debugging:

    • After setting up, thoroughly test your implementation to ensure that data collection aligns with user consent preferences.
    • Use tools like GTM’s Preview mode and Google’s Tag Assistant to troubleshoot and validate your setup.


Consent Mode v2 is a powerful tool that balances the need for data-driven insights with the imperative of user privacy. By implementing this feature, businesses can remain compliant with stringent privacy laws, maintain the integrity of their data, and build trust with their users. Setting it up may require some initial effort, but the long-term benefits of a transparent and user-respecting data strategy are well worth it.