Recently, a second member of the Pixie Media team passed the Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist exam. So while it’s fresh in our minds, let’s take a more in-depth look at the certification itself!

A Magento 2 Solution Specialist is an individual with in-depth knowledge not just of the Magento 2 system itself, but Ecommerce and business as an industry too.

Magento2 Solution Specialist

The exam covers a wide range of topics – categorised as follows:

  • Ecommerce
  • Magento 2 Architecture
  • Magento 2 Features & Functionality
  • Application of Knowledge to Business Goals

Not only does the certification verify that a certified individual deeply understands M2 and its associated functionality, but also the knowledge that supports day-to-day activities surrounding the development and upkeep of new or existing Ecommerce websites.

Here’s the official explanation of exactly what an M2 Certified Solution Specialist is:

Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialists have demonstrated a thorough understanding of how to leverage Magento 2 functionality to satisfy ecommerce business goals according to best practices.

More information on the certification can be found here:

Thinking of attempting the exam? Let’s break it down, here’s the info you need to know:

  • Total number of questions: 75 (only 70 are marked)
  • Passing score: 75% (equating to 53 correct answers)
  • Time limit: 90 minutes
  • Questions are based on the default / natively shipped installations of Magento Open Source (2.2.x) and Magento Commerce (2.2.x) (please note, this is accurate at time of writing)

Basic information on a topic-by-topic basis as follows:


This was the most diverse topic and covers the entire Ecommerce industry as a subject. Topics include:

  • EU / US privacy and tax laws
  • Online merchandising
  • Good user experience principles
  • Basics of omnichannel and multichannel retailing / marketing

Magento 2 Architecture

A set of questions covering a top-level overview of the inner workings of the Magento 2 system itself. Questions cover:

  • Basic architectural concepts such as the relation between layouts and templates, the architectural pattern that Magento 2 uses (i.e. - MVVM)
  • API’s and their role in third-party integrations
  • The roles of websites, stores and store views – plus scenario-based questions on when you’d need to leverage the functionality of one over the other

Magento 2 features & functionality

This is self-explanatory. Make sure you’re crystal clear on what is native to Magento 2. There are questions relating to what can be achieved out-of-the-box and what would need to be a custom module. Also make sure you’re clear on what features are included in Open Source and Commerce and what is Commerce-only. Topics include:

  • Payment and shipping methods
  • Order processing (i.e. - the flow of an order from creation to fulfillment)
  • Customers – differences between groups and segments for example
  • Data import / export

Application of Magento 2 knowledge to business goals

As the topic name suggests, questions test you on how Magento 2 can meet project requirements. Topics include:

  • Conditional promotions, based on customer segments / groups or other criteria being met, etc
  • Good user experience principles
  • Order returns
  • Conversion rate enhancement

Tips for the actual exam

Here are some tips for the actual exam:

  • Scout all the questions at the beginning and answer the easy ones first. This will build your confidence and give you that bit of momentum you sometimes need to work out the harder questions.
  • Use the “Mark for Review” question marker. The exam features a system where you can quickly revisit / go-over the questions you weren’t sure about.
  • If you have enough time, try and go through all the questions at least twice. The questions are worded in a very specific way so it’s important to make sure you 100% understand the question.

Here are some resources we found useful while studying for the exam:

Good luck and let us know if our tips have helped you achieve Magento2 Solution Specialist Certification.